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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Steak Marinade

Just because I love Flashlight Girl soooo much. Seriously. :) This is the marinade my friends request when we do dinner. They just show up with their meat. Funny people.

Plan to make this the day before you actually want to eat. I know, it seems like a long time to let a good piece of meat sit around in your fridge but it really is worth it. You can do it for less time but the flavor isn't as intense and the meat isn't as fall apart tender. That said, don't let it go longer than 24 hours or the meat will literally fall apart and you will be so sad.

The meat tenderizer you use tends to change the taste of the marinade, I prefer McCormick but Lowry's will is just a little sweeter. Stay away from anything no name or dollar store variety. For some reason they aren't as good.

Steak Marinade

Yield: 2-3 10 ozish steaks. I usually double the recipe.

2 T Worcestershire sauce
2 T. soy sauce
4 t. chili powder
4 t. minced garlic (you can use garlic powder if you prefer)
1 1/2 t. meat tenderizer
2 t. paprika
2 t. ground pepper
1 t. cayenne pepper
1 t. onion powder (don't use onion salt)
1/2 t. ground oregano
2 cups water
  1. Combine all marinade ingredients in gallon sized freezer bag
  2. Pound out your meat to ~3/4 in thick
  3. Submerse your meat in the marinade and place bag in a glass baking dish in case it leaks; refrigerate for ~24 hours
  4. Cook on grill over medium/high heat 3-5 minutes per side or until done like you like. (3-5 min per side is about medium)

I like to saute some mushrooms in butter and serve over the top. If you pass on the mushrooms and are counting WW points I usually just add 1 pt to the meat pts for the marinade.

1 comment:

Flashlight Girl said...

You are the WOMAN! Thanks so much. :)